What is the 90 day rule for workers comp in Pennsylvania?

The 90-Day Rule:  What is it? 

So, what is this 90-day rule? 

Breaking Down the 90-Day Rule 

In PA, your employer can direct you to a specific healthcare provider for work-related injuries for the first 90 days. That’s right, you may not have free rein to pick your doctor. 

The Purpose of the 90-Day Rule 

But why does this rule exist? It’s meant to allow employers and their workers compensation insurance to have more control over the initial treatment costs. 

What Happens After 90 Days? 

90 days isn’t forever. So, what happens when the calendar pages fall off? 

Regaining Your Freedom to Choose 

After 90 days, if you’re still in need of care, you can choose your healthcare provider. Just make sure to keep your employer in the loop. 

How to Navigate the 90-Day Rule: Tips and Tricks 

Navigating the maze of the 90-day rule can be tricky. 

Communicate with Your Employer 

Communication is key. Make sure you know who your employer wants you to see and don’t be afraid to ask questions.  Ask for the list of panel physicians you are required to see. 

Consult a Workers Compensation Attorney  

Sometimes you need a guide. Consulting a workers compensation attorney can be invaluable in understanding the intricacies of PA workers compensation laws. 

Other Things to Keep in Mind 

The 90-day rule isn’t the only thing you need to be aware of. 

Reporting Your Injury 

Remember, in Pennsylvania, you must report your injury to your employer within 21 days. Don’t delay! 

Understanding Your Benefits 

Make sure you understand the benefits you’re entitled to, like wage loss and medical benefits. 


The 90-day rule is a unique feature of workers compensation in PA. It can limit your choice of healthcare provider for the first 90 days after a workplace injury. Communication with your employer and possibly consulting a worker’s comp lawyer can be vital tools in navigating this period.  


  1. Can my employer retaliate against me for seeking care after the 90 days? 

    No, you have the right to choose your healthcare provider after 90 days. 

  2. What if I don’t like the care I’m receiving during the 90 days? 

    It’s important to communicate with your employer, and consulting an attorney may also be beneficial. 

  3. Do I have to pay for the medical care during the 90 days? 

    Typically, your employer’s workers compensation insurance covers the cost. 

  4. Can I see my own doctor during the 90-day period? 

    You can, but your employer may not be obligated to pay for it if he has provided a designated group of physicians called panel doctors that includes specialists such as orthopedic surgeons to treat serious injuries. 


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